Address:Velká Úpa 31, 542 21 Pec pod Sněžkou
Phone:+420 499891119 , +420 603838810
GPS: 50°41'31.063"N', 15°47'26.504"E'

Letní sezóna - ceny

Ceny jsou uváděny za osobu na den.
Pouze snídaně
od 1.4 do 30.10 410 Kč

od 1.4 do 30.10 520 Kč

Zimní sezóna - ceny

Ceny jsou uváděny za osobu na den.
Pouze snídaně
od 25.12 do 3.1 ---
od 3.1 do 31.1 480 Kč
od 1.2 do 28.2 530 Kč
od 1.3 do 31.3 480 Kč

od 25.12 do 3.1 850 Kč
od 3.1 do 31.1 590 Kč
od 1.2 do 28.2 640 Kč
od 1.3 do 31.3 590 Kč


 Welcome to the home page of Chalet Jana hotel.

The capacity is 33 beds. The hotel provides double rooms with en suite bathroom and toilet and three to six-bed suites.

The hotel restaurant offers specialities of Czech cuisine, sundaes with ice-cream of various tastes made by us, home-made blueberry pies, good beer, coffee, and many other sweets day-long. We also give wedding receptions.

It is possible to park in front of the hotel in the summer season while in winter the transport is secured by the hotel service. Guests can use a chair-lift or follow a direct path leading to the hotel which is located in the gorgeous and tranquil environment of Giant Mountains at an altitude of 920 metres above sea level. The surrounding beautiful nature invites you to ski during the winter season, to hike and cycle in spring and summer, and to climb on the highest mount Sněžka (8 km from our hotel). Several downhill runs with ski lifts and cross-country ski trails can be found nearby the hotel, where you can borrow a light dural sledge.

If the mountains weary you, then you can go on a trip to the amazing sceneries of the sandstone rock town located in Adršpach and Teplice nad Metují or to the zoological garden and renowned safari park in Dvůr Králové which is acclaimed mainly by children. You can visit the town of Trutnov which takes pride in a historical square with a dragon on the town hall, the fountain with Krakonoš, a beautiful park, monuments, a lot of restaurants and taverns, etc. Furthermore the hospital Kuks or the castles in Náchod and Nové Město nad Metují.

In hot summer, you can bathe in the open-air swimming pool in Dolce near Trutnov or in the indoor pool in Trutnov. We will be glad to give you advice.

Do not hesitate to call and book an order. We are looking forward to your visit.

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